Participate in the University’s Agricultural and Horticultural Research
Researchers from the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology are inviting home gardeners and the agricultural community to take pictures of various crops/plants to help build a database of agri-food growth, and they are asking for your help!
This data will be used to feed machine learning processes and create models for identification, counting, and prediction tasks such as weed ID, counting crop output, and tracking growth.
All images you can collect will be valuable, however, the more images you can provide with / without weeds and at different points in the growing season, the more the team can learn from the data you provide. They will process your images, alongside images provided by other participants, to build their models.
Here are some images already collected.
Public participation now is of vital importance to the project. Visit this link to sign up and get snapping today!
With thanks for your support,
The LARCS Team (Elizabeth, Shaun, Isobel, Jamie and Heather)